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1,001 Gardening Tips & Tricks

Mary Rose Quigg

Over 1,000 Tips for Planting Vegetables, Flowers, Houseplants, Shrubs, Herbs, and Trees!

This comprehensive collection of practical tips covers all aspects of gardening, from flowers and houseplants to planting shrubs, vegetables, herbs, and trees. In addition, find advice for dealing with garden pests, learn about the tools that will make your life much easier, and find valuable ways to avoid the aches and pains that often go along with the hard work of gardening. Woven throughout are poems and proverbs, legends and lore, making this an enjoyable read and a perfect gift for the gardener in your life. 

  • "Put broken eggshells in a watering can, fill with water, and leave overnight. This will extract the nutrients making an excellent and cheap plant feed."
  • "To improve the growth of leeks, add a little soot to the soil."
  • "Weeding between onion rows should be done by hand, as hoeing will damage the shallow roots."
  • "An old wheel rim makes an ideal storage place for a garden hose when not in use. Hang on a garage or shed wall."
  • "For organic insecticide spray, boil a whole bulb of chopped garlic until it's soft. Put it into 1 gallon of water and add 1 tablespoon of biodegradable detergent. Leave for a day, strain, and use as required."

Full of fascinating tidbits and brilliant suggestions, this book may transform the way you garden! Complete with lovely color illustrations throughout, this is a delightful and useful read for new and seasoned gardeners alike.

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The Healing Garden

Deb Soule

In The Healing Garden, Deb Soule, founder of Avena Botanicals, offers an inspiring guide to herb gardening and crafting herbal remedies that promote wellness of spirit and body. Soule combines her passion for plants gardens, and healing with her extensive experience working with medicinal herbs, flowers, roots, and berries. Her practical advice addresses each aspect of fostering a garden filled with helpful, healing plants: biodynamic gardening practices; gathering plants and setting up a drying room; and creating herbal teas, decoctions, tinctures, syrups, tonics, vinegars, essences, and more. A chapter outlining eighteen medicinal herbs provides detailed information on their cultivation and healing properties. Molly Haley's colorful photography showcases Avena Botanicals' lush herb gardens in all seasons. The Healing Garden is grounded in respect for the interconnectedness of all living beings and is an eloquent plea for spiritual awareness and the wholeness of individuals, communities, and our planet.

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The First-Time Gardener: Growing Plants and Flowers

Sean McManus

There are no stupid questions here. Everyone has to start somewhere, after all. In The First-Time Gardener: Growing Plants and Flowers, Sean and Allison McManus, the gardening pros behind the popular website and podcast Spoken Garden, answer all of your questions and more.

Caring for outdoor plantings can be intimidating, especially if the process is completely new to you. Before running to the hardware store to stock up on plastic bags of mulch and tools you don’t really need, arm yourself with the know-how to plant and tend outdoor areas correctly and safely. Doing so saves you time, money, and energy—and helps make the process a whole lot more fun!

With help from this easy-to-follow beginner gardening guide, you’ll learn:

  • Tips for selecting the best plants and flowers for your growing conditions 
  • The best planting techniques for different types of plants
  • How to mulch trees, shrubs, and garden beds correctly 
  • Pruning dos and don’ts for common garden plants
  • Ways to keep weeds out of outdoor areas—without using synthetic herbicides
  • How to recognize and manage different pests and diseases naturally
  • Insider tips on everything from the difference between annuals and perennials to choosing the best organic fertilizer
  • Plus, you’ll find time-management advice and tips for effective, resource-conscious gardening

You will close the book not only knowing how to care for your home's outdoor plantings using earth-friendly methods, but also knowing the satisfaction of a beautiful, all-natural landscape.

This book is part of The First-Time Gardener's Guides series from Cool Springs Press, which also includes The First-Time Gardener: Growing Vegetables. Each book in The First-Time Gardener's Guides series is aimed at beginner gardeners and offers clear, fact-based information that's presented in a friendly and accessible way, including step-by-step instructions and full-color illustrations throughout.  

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Die with Zero

Bill Perkins

A Common-Sense Guide to Living Rich....Instead of Dying Rich

Imagine if by the time you died, you did everything you were told to. You worked hard, saved your money, and looked forward to financial freedom when you retired.

The only thing you wasted along the way was...your life.

Die with Zero presents a startling new and provocative philosophy as well as practical guide on how to get the most out of your money--and out of your life. It's intended for those who place lifelong memorable experiences far ahead of simply making and accumulating money for one's so-called Golden Years.

In short, Bill Perkins wants to rescue you from over-saving and under-living. Regardless of your age,Die with Zero will teach you Perkins' plan for optimizing your life, stage by stage, so you're fully engaged and enjoying what you've worked and saved for.

You'll discover how to maximize your lifetime memorable moments with "experience bucketing," how to convert your earnings into priceless memories by following your "net worth curve," and find out how to navigate whether to invest in, or delay, a meaningful adventure based on your "spend curve" and "personal interest rate."

Using his own life experiences as well as the inspiring stories and cautionary tales of others--and drawing on eye-opening insights about time, money, and happiness from psychological science and behavioral finance --Perkins makes a timely, convincing, and contrarian case for living large.

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Personal Finance 101

Alfred Mill

Get your financial life in order—from saving and investing to taxes and loans—with this comprehensive, accessible guide to everything you need to know about finance.

Managing your finances can be overwhelming at times. But it doesn’t have to be! Personal Finance 101 will provide you with all the skills you need to make good financial decisions and grow your personal wealth. Full of must-have advice and organized in an easy-to-read format, this book provides a wealth of knowledge on personal finance basics including:

-Choosing your bank (and why it matters)
-Building an emergency fund
-Salary and benefit packages
-Where your money is going (and how to keep more of it)
-Refinancing or consolidating student loans
-Health and property insurance
-Building credit responsibly
-How to get a mortgage

Use this guide and make the most of the money you have, plan for future purchases like a house or a vacation, save for retirement, or simply become more financially responsible. Perfect for finance beginners or those looking to refresh their knowledge, Personal Finance 101 is the one-stop shop for all of your personal finance questions!

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Clever Girl Finance

Bola Sokunbi

Learn the basics of investing with this approachable guide to the world of finance

Clever Girl Finance: Learn How Investing Works, Grow Your Money is the leading guide for women who seek to learn the basic foundations of personal investing. In a no-nonsense and straightforward style, this book teaches readers:

  • Exactly how investing works and what you should be doing, no fancy finance degree required
  • How to leverage investing to build long term wealth even on a modest salary
  • The key pitfalls to avoid in order to become a successful investor
  • How to build a nest egg and invest in your future
  • Insights from real-world success stories from other "clever girl investors"

Clever Girl Finance teaches readers the irreplaceable value of investing for long-term financial gain, and the difference between making money and building wealth.

Written for any woman who’s ever sought out an accessible introduction to the world of investing, this book is especially suited to women interested in learning how investing works and taking guided action towards their financial success.

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Broke Millennial Talks Money

Erin Lowry

A comprehensive guide to talking about money in every aspect of your life, including at work, with friends and family, and in relationships, from the author of the Broke Millennial series.

Let's face it--talking about money is always awkward. In this user-friendly and approachable guide, finance writer Erin Lowry helps take the stress out of these tricky conversations. With scripts, tips, and troubleshooting advice, she takes you through every possible money talk scenario, including:

how to tell your friends you can't afford the same lifestyle they can
how to ask your parents if they can afford retirement and if they'll need your support as they age
how to talk to your coworkers about your salary and negotiate with your boss
how to broach the subject of a prenup with your fiancé

Lowry arms you with all of the financial knowledge you'll need in order to get the most out of each interaction, whether that's with your friends, your spouse, your employer, or your mom. It's time to demystify our money and hash out these tough topics with the important people in our lives, and this helpful book will make it all much easier.

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What to Do with Your Money When Crisis Hits

Michelle Singletary

From pandemics to recessions, bear markets to energy crises, life is full of financial setbacks. The hard truth is that it's not a matter of if there will be another economic downturn, but when. The important question to ask is this: how do you prevent a crisis from turning into a full-blown catastrophe?

Drawing on years of experience as an award-winning personal finance columnist, Michelle Singletary shares her expert advice for weathering a financial storm. In this book, she answers the most pressing questions that crop up when money suddenly becomes scarce, like:

  • What bills need to be paid first?
  • When is it right to dip into savings?
  • What are the best ways to cut back on spending?
  • How do you keep from panicking when the stock market is down?
  • Is this "opportunity" a scam in disguise?

This hands-on guide covers debt concerns, credit card issues, cash-flow problems, and dozens of other common financial matters. Whether you're in the midst of one crisis or preparing for the next, this book provides the tools to secure your wealth and your future.

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Know Yourself, Know Your Money

Rachel Cruze

When it comes to money, it pays to know yourself.

This is NOT just another money book. Personal finance expert Rachel Cruze brings an all-new approach to the traditional money rules, and it all starts with your mindset.

Go beyond the Ramsey Baby Steps and get to the root of all of your decisions--your mind, your behaviors, and your beliefs-- so you can change your money mindset for good.

You may already know how to make the right money decisions, BUT you probably still find yourself slipping into impulse purchases, dipping into savings, disagreeing on your budget with your spouse, and wondering "Why did I do that?!" If so, this book is for YOU. Rachel Cruze explains the psychology, strengths, and challenges that come with each of her brand-new Seven Money Tendencies:

Saver or Spender

Nerd or Free Spirit

Experiences or Things

Quality or Quantity

Safety or Status

Abundance or Scarcity

Planned Giving or Spontaneous Giving

Along with discovering where you land on the scale of Seven Money Tendencies, this book also introduces new ways to understand how your parents, your fears, and your beliefs impact your money mindset.

You'll learn:

  • Which of the Four Childhood Money Classrooms shaped your personality
  • How the Six Core Money Fears can drive your most common money mistakes
  • Why you handle money the way you do, and what to do about it

You DON'T have to white-knuckle your way toward financial freedom. This book will show you how to make taking control of your money so much easier (and fun).


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Get Good with Money

Tiffany Aliche

NEW YORK TIMES, WALL STREET JOURNAL, AND USA TODAY BESTSELLER * A ten-step plan for finding peace, safety, and harmony with your money--no matter how big or small your goals and no matter how rocky the market might be--by the inspiring and savvy "Budgetnista."

"No matter where you stand in your money journey, Get Good with Money has a lesson or two for you!"--Erin Lowry, bestselling author of the Broke Millennial series

Tiffany Aliche was a successful pre-school teacher with a healthy nest egg when a recession and advice from a shady advisor put her out of a job and into a huge financial hole. As she began to chart the path to her own financial rescue, the outline of her ten-step formula for attaining both financial security and peace of mind began to take shape. These principles have now helped more than one million women worldwide save and pay off millions in debt, and begin planning for a richer life.

Revealing this practical ten-step process for the first time in its entirety, Get Good with Money introduces the powerful concept of building wealth through financial wholeness: a realistic, achievable, and energizing alternative to get-rich-quick and over-complicated money management systems. With helpful checklists, worksheets, a tool kit of resources, and advanced advice from experts who Tiffany herself relies on (her "Budgetnista Boosters"), Get Good with Money gets crystal clear on the short-term actions that lead to long-term goals, including:

* A simple technique to determine your baseline or "noodle budget," examine and systemize your expenses, and lay out a plan that allows you to say yes to your dreams.
* An assessment tool that helps you understand whether you have a "don't make enough" problem or a "spend too much" issue--as well as ways to fix both.
* Best practices for saving for a rainy day (aka job loss), a big-ticket item (a house, a trip, a car), and money that can be invested for your future.
* Detailed advice and action steps for taking charge of your credit score, maximizing bill-paying automation, savings and investing, and calculating your life, disability, and property insurance needs.
* Ways to protect your beneficiaries' future, and ensure that your financial wishes will stand the test of time.

An invaluable guide to cultivating good financial habits and making your money work for you, Get Good with Money will help you build a solid foundation for your life (and legacy) that's rich in every way.

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The Psychology of Money

Morgan Housel

Doing well with money isn’t necessarily about what you know. It’s about how you behave. And behavior is hard to teach, even to really smart people.

Money—investing, personal finance, and business decisions—is typically taught as a math-based field, where data and formulas tell us exactly what to do. But in the real world people don’t make financial decisions on a spreadsheet. They make them at the dinner table, or in a meeting room, where personal history, your own unique view of the world, ego, pride, marketing, and odd incentives are scrambled together.

In The Psychology of Money, award-winning author Morgan Housel shares 19 short stories exploring the strange ways people think about money and teaches you how to make better sense of one of life’s most important topics.

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Financial Adulting

Ashley Feinstein Gerstley

Perfect for anyone seeking to get a firm handle on their personal finances, Financial Adulting is a must-have resource that demystifies and simplifies complex topics and makes understanding personal finance fun

From the founder of The Fiscal Femme, a popular feminist money platform, and author of The 30-Day Money Cleanse, Ashley Feinstein Gerstley's Financial Adulting: Everything You Need to be a Financially Confident and Conscious Adult delivers an easy-to-follow, informative, and fun financial guide. From budgeting and consumer activism to retirement investing and paying down debt, you'll learn everything you need to know and do to be a financially savvy adult.

In this important book, you'll:

  • Master fundamental concepts, including dealing with student loans, maximizing your 401(k), and preparing for salary negotiations
  • Use a racial and feminist justice lens to tackle rarely discussed topics in money and equity and better understand deep-seated historic and systemic obstacles
  • Recognize that your circumstances, goals, and values are unique and require a custom approach in order to succeed financially
  • Receive a simple step-by-step guide to reaching your financial goals while living a big, exciting, and meaningful life
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What the Happiest Retirees Know: 10 Habits for a Healthy, Secure, and Joyful Life

Wes Moss

The bestselling author of You Can Retire Sooner Than You Think and host of Money Matters reveals the 10 essential habits for a rich, rewarding, and blissful retirement.

What does it take to have a truly happy retirement? Is it money? A mortgage-free home? An active social life? A long-lasting marriage—or maybe a new one? Finance expert, author, and radio host Wes Moss asked more than 2,000 of the nation’s happiest retirees to find out—and their answers may surprise you. Through a series of revealing surveys, Moss noticed a pattern of distinct, recognizable habits that the happiest retirees shared, from the simplest of lifestyle choices to the smartest of financial strategies. These are the kinds of habits anyone can develop—the perfect road map to a healthy, secure, and joyful retirement—sooner.

Whether you’re already retired or just starting to make plans, these 10 simple actions and attitudes can make a profound difference in every aspect of your life. The book is packed with hard-won wisdom and invaluable advice on how to make little changes now that will have the biggest impact later. It’s filled with proven ways to develop smarter habits with: Money (“Think river, not reservoir”); Family (“Get your kids off your payroll”); Housing (“Live mortgage-free”); Investing (“Be a tomorrow investor”); Spending (“Be pound wise—so you can be penny foolish”); and much more. With these 10 transformational habits, you can stop obsessing over money, stay socially connected, and start enjoying your new life—as the happiest retiree on the block.


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Joe Saul-Sehy


From the money nerds behind the award-winning Stacking Benjamins podcast, a new kind of personal finance book to get your house in order.

Rich. Wealthy. Well-heeled. Moneyed. Affluent. Not bad—but why not get Stacked instead? If you’ve ever dreamed of a basic philosophy of money that’ll help you live bigger, be bolder, and laugh harder, you need this book.
In these uncertain times, the basics matter more than ever. But for most of us, concepts such as investing, budgeting, and getting out of debt just don’t float our boats (or 150-foot yachts)—and so we put them off longer than we should. Joe Saul-Sehy and Emily Guy Birken are here to tell you that personal finance can be a lot more fun than you think. (No haberdashery, maritime knowledge, or specialized flatware required.)
Learn about everything from side hustles, to hiring a legit financial adviser, to planning for emergencies, to what’s new and exciting—and actually worth your time—in financial apps and software. If you’re looking for the same old get-rich-quick clichés, avocado toast shaming, or alphabet soup of incomprehensible financial terms, you won’t find them here. Instead, Saul-Sehy and Birken take you step by step along the way to financial success, with their signature blend of shrewd financial information and wacky humor.


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Finance for the People

Paco de Leon

An illustrated, practical guide to navigating your financial life, no matter your financial situation

"a potent mix of deeply practical and wonderfully empathetic" —Erin Lowry, author of Broke Millennial

"one of the most approachable financial books I've ever read." —Refinery 29

We are all weird about money. Whether you have a lot or a little, your feelings and beliefs about money have been shaped by a combination of silence (or even shame) around talking about money, personal experiences, family and societal expectations, and a whole big complex system rigged against many of us from the start. Begin with that baseline premise and it’s no surprise so many of us find it so difficult to save enough money (but way too easy to get trapped in ballooning credit card debt), emotionally draining to deal with student loans, and nearly impossible to understand the esoteric world of investing.
Unlike most personal finance books that focus on skills and behaviors, FINANCE FOR THE PEOPLE asks you to examine your beliefs and experiences around money—blending extremely practical exercises with mindfulness, and including more than 50 illustrations and diagrams to make the concepts accessible (and even fun). With deep insider expertise from years spent in many different corners of the financial industry, Paco de Leon is a friendly, approachable, and wise guide who invites readers to change their relationship with money. With her holistic approach you’ll learn how to:
   root out your unconscious beliefs about money
   untangle the mental and emotional burden of student loans to pay them off
   use a gratitude practice to help you think differently about spending
   break out of the debt cycle and begin building wealth
This book is for anyone who feels unseen, ignored, or bored to death by the way personal finances are approached and taught, and is ready to go on a journey of self-discovery and step into their financial power.

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Money Magic

Laurence Kotlikoff

Increase your spending power, enhance your standard of living, and achieve financial independence with this "must-read" guide to money management (Jane Bryant Quinn).

Laurence Kotlikoff, one of our nation's premier personal finance experts and coauthor of the New York Times bestseller Get What's Yours: The Secrets to Maxing Out Your Social Security, harnesses the power of economics and advanced computation to deliver a host of spellbinding but simple money magic tricks that will transform your financial future.Each trick shares a basic ingredient for financial savvy based on economic common sense, not Wall Street snake oil. Money Magic offers a clear path to a richer, happier, and safer financial life. Whether you're making education, career, marriage, lifestyle, housing, investment, retirement, or Social Security decisions, Kotlikoff provides a clear framework for readers of all ages and income levels to learn tricks like:

  • How to choose a career to maximize your lifetime earnings (hint: you may want to consider picking up a plunger instead of a stethoscope).
  • How to buy a superior education on the cheap and graduate debt-free.
  • Why it's smarter to cash out your IRA to pay off your mortgage.
  • Why delaying retirement for two years can reap dividends and how to lower your average lifetime tax bracket.

Money Magic's most powerful act is transforming your financial thinking, explaining not just what to do, but why to do it. Get ready to discover the economics approach to financial planning--the fruit of a century's worth of research by thousands of cloistered economic wizards whose now-accessible collective findings turn conventional financial advice on its head. Kotlikoff uses his soft heart, hard nose, dry wit, and flashing wand to cast a powerful spell, leaving you eager to accomplish what you formerly dreaded: financial planning.

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My Money My Way

Kumiko Love


Does fear and insecurity keep you from looking at your bank account? Is your financial anxiety holding you captive?

You don’t have to stress about money anymore. YOU can take back control.

As a newly divorced single mom making $24,000 per year and facing down $77,000 in debt, Kumiko Love worried constantly about money. She saw what other moms had—vacations, birthday parties, a house full of furniture—and felt ashamed that she and her son lived in a small apartment and ate dinner on the floor. Worse, when her feelings began to exhaust her, she binge-shopped, reasoning that she’d feel better after a trip to the mall.

On the day she needed to pay for a McDonald’s ice cream cone without her credit card, she had an epiphany: Money is not the problem. Self-Doubt is the problem. Shame is the problem. Guilt is the problem. Society’s expectations for her are the problem. She is the solution.

Once she reversed the negative thinking patterns pushing her toward decisions that didn’t serve her values or goals, her financial plan wrote itself. Now, she’s not only living debt-free in her dream home, which she paid for in cash, but she has spread her teachings around the world and helped countless women envision better lives for themselves and their families.

Now, building on the lessons she’s taught millions as the founder of The Budget Mom, she shares a step by step plan for taking control back over your financial life—regardless of your level of income or your credit card balance. Through stories from navigating divorce to helping clients thrive through recessions, depression, eviction, layoffs and so much more, you will learn foundational practices such as:

How to use your emotions to your financial advantage, instead of letting them control you
How to create a budget based on your real life, not a life of self-denial
How to create a motivating debt pay-off plan that makes you excited about your future, instead of fearing it

My Money My Way will give you the tools to align your emotional health with your financial health—to let go of deprivation and embrace desire. Love’s paradigm-shifting system will teach you how to honor your unique personal values, driving emotions, and particular needs so that you can stop worrying about money and start living a financially fulfilled life.


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Baby Steps Millionaires

Dave Ramsey

You Can Baby Step Your Way to Becoming a

Most people know Dave Ramsey as the guy who
did stupid with a lot of zeros on the end. He made his first million in his
twenties--the wrong way--and then went bankrupt. That's when he set out to learn
God's ways of managing money and developed the Ramsey Baby Steps. Following
these steps, Dave became a millionaire again--this time the right way.


After three decades of guiding millions of
others through the plan, the evidence is undeniable: if you follow the Baby
Steps, you will become a millionaire and get to live and give
like no one else.


In Baby Steps Millionaires, you will

  • Take a deeper look at Baby Step 4 to learn how Dave
    invests and builds wealth
    Learn how to bust through the barriers preventing them
    from becoming a millionaire
    Hear true stories from ordinary people who dug
    themselves out of debt and built wealth
    Discover how anyone can become a millionaire,
    especially you

Baby Steps Millionaires isn't a book that tells the secrets of
the rich. It doesn't teach complicated financial concepts reserved only for the
elite. As a matter of fact, this information is straightforward, practical, and
maybe even a little boring. But the life you'll lead if you follow the Baby
Steps is anything but boring! You don't need a large inheritance or the winning
lottery number to become a millionaire. Anyone can do it--even today. For those
who are ready, it's game on!

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