Branch Updates

The Silverstone branch is now permanently closed. Please join us in celebrating the grand opening of the Pinnacle branch (located at the corner of Locust Grove and Lake Hazel roads in South Meridian) on September 30, 2024! 

Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees oversees the Meridian Library District's budget and policies. 

The Board meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. Meetings are held in the large conference room at the Cherry Lane library and streamed on Zoom or YouTube Live. The public is welcome to attend. Please contact the library 24 hours prior to the meeting if you need special accommodation.

The Board follows all laws and rules as set forth in the Idaho Code for Libraries.

Board of Trustees

Jeffrey Kohler

Jeff Kohler, Meridian Library District Trustee

Jeffrey and his family moved to Meridian from Portland in 2000, and one of the first things they did when they arrived was get library cards. If he comes across a library when traveling someplace new, he will stop in for a look around. Jeffrey wanted to serve on the Board because he feels strongly that a top-notch library system is essential for a vibrant community. Jeffrey has a bachelor's degree in English from BYU, and works as an asset manager for an operator of utility-scale solar energy plants. 

Term Expiration Year

Destinie Hart

Destinie Hart, Meridian Library District Trustee

Destinie is a long-time bookworm and public library fan, dating back to her first library card at age 5. Originally from north central Idaho, Destinie has lived in the Treasure Valley for over 12 years and is proud to call Meridian home. As a mom of four and a volunteer dedicated to several local causes, Destinie is passionate about early literacy and access for underserved communities. She believes the services and connection that public libraries provide are essential to a healthy community and a strong democracy. Destinie has a master’s degree in public administration from Boise State University and works in nonprofit development. Destinie was reelected to the Board in May 2023. 

Term Expiration Year

Laura Knutson

Laura Knutson, Meridian Library District Trustee

Laura Knutson moved to Meridian in 2014, but has lived in the Treasure Valley for over 45 years. Many of her earliest memories are of storytime at the public library. Laura currently serves as the English Language Arts Curriculum Coordinator for the West Ada School District. Passionate about literacy, Laura recognizes the critical role public libraries serve in promoting and supporting lifelong literacy. She is in awe of all the other services libraries provide communities as well, and believes that a strong library system makes a community a better place to live.   

Term Expiration Year

Megan Larsen

Megan Larsen, Meridian Library District Trustee

Megan joined the Board of Trustees in January 2014. Megan is currently Director of Operations at Community Planning Association of Southwest Idaho (COMPASS) and holds a Masters of Public Administration from Boise State University and a Bachelor of Science in Accountancy from Arizona State University, plus more than 19 years professional experience in the public and nonprofit sectors. She and her family have benefitted so much from Meridian Library, as well as the larger Meridian community, that she wanted to do her part to make sure that her fellow community members could enjoy those benefits too.

Term Expiration Year

Josh Cummings

Josh Cummings, Meridian Library District Trustee

Josh grew up in the bayous of South Louisiana. He developed a love for libraries as they offered an escape from a challenging childhood. Following a career in the Air Force, Josh hung up his flight suit and said goodbye to the F-15E Strike Eagle in 2014. That career was made possible because of the opportunities afforded by local libraries that helped Josh earn a bachelor’s degree and subsequent MBA. Now, Josh runs a couple of small businesses in Meridian and contributes to the Meridian Library District in as many ways as possible. He believes the Meridian Library District is offering youth in our community opportunities to dream just like he did so many years ago. Josh was reelected to the board in May 2023.

Term Expiration Year

Board of Trustee Elections

The Meridian Library District's Board of Trustees is elected by District residents. Trustees serve 6-year terms, and elections are held every odd-numbered year, as directed by Idaho Code (33-271533-2718). If you want to learn more about board positions, please review the Library Trustee Information Packet.