Online Resources

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Digital Learn

Access short format courses and learn to tackle technology at your own pace, whether you are new to computers or just need a bit of a refresher.

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Driving Tests

Driving- logo

Access free practice tests, driver handbooks (cars, motorcycles, commercial vehicles), and answers to common questions from the Idaho Department of Motor Vehicles. Find Idaho Driver's Handbook in English and Spanish.

Try the Vin Decoder to learn about recent recalls and complaints for specific vehicle types and manufacture details. 

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Database logo for EBSCOhost's Explora with the text Funded by LiLI
Explora supports all-ages research with content ranging from history, current events, humanities, health sciences, and more. Click "More Details" to explore topics and watch a tutorial.
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Gale Presents: Udemy

Gale Presents Udemy

Udemy is an online learning platform for adults who want to improve work-related skills or further develop a personal interest. Users can search through thousands of continuously updated, on-demand video courses across 75 categories in business, technology, design, and more, including courses taught by native speakers in 12 languages.

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Great Courses on Kanopy

The Great Courses and Kanopy logos on a black background

Crafted for lifelong learners, the Great Courses on Kanopy are a collection of online learning videos taught by professors, teachers, and subject experts. Designed to provide engaging and immersive learning experiences, subject areas include languages, cooking, professional and life skills, ancient history, science and technology, and much more! 

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Idaho Digital Skills

Idaho Digital Skills Logo

Expand your digital skills through free online courses. Whether you are just getting started learning computer skills, applying for jobs online, or wanting to learn how to create a basic budget with Excel, Idaho Digital Skills has a variety of tools and resources available.

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Learning Express Library

Database logo for EBSCOhost's Learning Express with the text Funded by LiLI

Meet your educational and professional goals with Learning Express Library's modules on computer skills, standardized test prep (ACT, SAT, PSAT, AP, TOEFL, GED, and more), vocational certification, U.S. citizenship, and more. Use an email address to create a free account and start learning today.

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LiLI logo: Libraries Linking Idaho

LiLI provides free access to numerous research resources for all Idaho citizens. Explore subjects for academic research, business, and skill building, as well as plenty of content for kids. New learning resources are added often. Login by entering your Idaho zip code and city.

Recursos En EspaƱol

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Mango Languages

Mango Languages logo of colorful capital color M and the word Mango.
Do you want to start learning a new language or improve your conversation skills in another language? Mango Languages offers more than 70 world languages to choose from, as well as English courses in over 20 source languages. Click "More Details" to learn more about what language learning opportunities are available, find app links, and view a tutorial to get started today!
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Niche Academy

Niche Academy logo

Find tutorials and step-by-step instructions for accessing a variety of online resources, including ebook services and databases available to you with your library card.

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