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Room Reservation Policy

Last Updated Date


As part of the Meridian Library District's (MLD) commitment to enriching lives, igniting curiosity, and cultivating connections, we offer access to our room spaces for library activities and functions. When not in use for library purposes, our branch meeting rooms may be available as a designated and limited public forum for local government agencies, businesses, community groups, and nonprofit organizations as a public service.

MLD provides access to meeting rooms on an equitable basis as outlined by the American Library Association's Library Bill of Rights and First Amendment principles. Permission to use meeting rooms does not imply an endorsement by MLD of a group's policies or beliefs. This policy sets forth the guidelines for the use of MLD's meeting room and study room facilities.


MLD authorizes the use of its meeting rooms to members of the public who meet the requirements outlined in this policy. Meeting rooms are designated for group use and not for individual purposes. Individuals may reserve a library study room for their needs accordingly.

Friends of the Meridian Library and the Meridian Library Foundation-sponsored activities are given priority in scheduling use of the meeting rooms for programs and events that promote community enrichment, education and recreation, and/or raise funds for the library and its associated nonprofits.

MLD does not discriminate in making its premises available for use on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, culture or ethnicity, national origin, age, sexual orientation, individual lifestyle, political affiliation, or physical limitation. MLD requires adult sponsorship for any meeting room reservations involving persons under age 18, with the exception of study rooms. The adult sponsor accepts responsibility, and will reimburse MLD, for any damage caused by the group or members of the group to the branch facility (i.e. - meeting room, technology, furniture, furnishings).

Room rental requests at any MLD facility financed with tax-exempt bonds or certificates of participation may be limited or denied to ensure compliance with MLD tax covenants.


Meeting rooms vary in number and size by branch location. Rental of rooms is subject to availability and may be subject to capacity limitations. Availability is determined by branch managers and designated staff. Reservations will be given consideration on a first-come, first-served basis. Meeting rooms are available during normal branch operating hours.

Events held outside of normal business hours may be subject to additional charges for time and labor and other requirements, and shall be negotiated with the Library Director, or designee, on a case-by-case basis.

Some reservations may require submission of additional insurance prior to reservation approval.

Rooms may not be used for meetings of longer than three consecutive working days without written permission in advance from the Library Director, or designee. Meeting rooms will be reserved at least 24 hours in advance and no more than 60 days in the future. Study rooms and Privacy Pods may be reserved up to one-week in advance or are available on a first-come, first-served basis, for no more than three hours per day. Priority will be given to reservations of the Privacy Pods for telehealth appointments.

Terms of Use

  1. No admission fee may be charged for the event taking place in the meeting room. It is understood that legitimate dues and membership fees do not constitute admission fees.
  2. Meetings and events in the branch’s meeting rooms must be open to the public.
  3. Programs or events may not disrupt the use of the branch by others. MLD reserves the right to withdraw permission for meeting room use when conditions warrant and to stop meetings which interfere with or are disruptive to the normal operations of the library. Persons attending the meetings are subject to all MLD rules and regulations including the Code of Conduct Policy which includes, but is not limited to:
    • Illegal weapons are not permitted on the premises.
    • In compliance with Idaho Code, smoking is prohibited in all parts of the branch, including meeting rooms and courtyards.
    • Possession or consumption of alcohol on MLD grounds is prohibited except at MLD or Meridian Library Foundation sponsored events with appropriate permitting and liability insurance.
  4. Groups are responsible for arranging the room as needed for their meeting and restoring the room to its prior condition at meeting’s end. Groups will be responsible for any damage caused by misuse or abuse of MLD property as assessed by the branch manager or designee.
  5. MLD does not assume responsibility for materials, equipment, or any other article left by an organization, group or individual in the library and will not be liable for loss, theft, or damage hereto. Attempts will be made to notify the contact listed on the application for any items left after the end of the event. Items left unclaimed for five (5) days after that will be considered abandoned and disposed of without further notice to the organization.
  6. Individuals or organizations reserving rooms are responsible for ensuring that all necessary safety provisions are observed.
  7. MLD is not liable for damages resulting from food served at events.
  8. Copyright restrictions apply to the use of rooms and equipment and cannot be used to duplicate or show material produced by copyright law. Applicants may be liable for any infringement.
  9. MLD branches that serve as polling locations are subject to additional restrictions limiting political activities within 100 feet of the polling location on Election Day per Idaho Code § 18-2318.
  10. Additional deposit may be required for cleaning services if determined necessary by the Library Director, or designee.


Denials and Appeals

MLD reserves the right to deny or revoke permission to use any room reservation if in the library’s opinion:

  1. The purpose of the meeting or activity is illegal or potentially hazardous;
  2. The meeting presents health or security risks;
  3. The conduct of the meeting interferes with the functioning of the library;
  4. The applicant has not provided satisfactory adult sponsorship and/or supervision;
  5. The applicant fails to comply with the Library Code of Conduct or Room Reservation Policy.

An applicant aggrieved by an administrative decision about the use of a reserved space may appeal the decision by writing a letter to the Library Board within five (5) working days of the decision. The applicant, or chosen representative, may appear before the Board at a regularly scheduled meeting to state a position. The Library Director, or designee, may present an opposing view at the same meeting with the Library Board deciding the matter.


  1. The individuals and organizations contracting to use library meeting rooms are responsible for the event’s publicity. All news releases, publicity or advertisements relating to any program or meeting held in one of the library’s reserved spaces must include a disclaimer that the meeting or event is not sponsored or endorsed by MLD. Use of MLD’s logo on non-sponsored programs or events is prohibited.
  2. All displays and brochures for the meeting will be contained within the reserved spaces. No displays except directional signs will be allowed in the public area of the library, including an entrance hall or vestibule.
  3. MLD does not allow the use of the name and address of any MLD facility as an official address or headquarters by an organization renting a reservable space.


An application is available via the website or upon request by phone, email or in person. The reservation must include the name and contact information of the responsible adult (with the exception of study room reservations), name of organization (if applicable), time period requested, number of persons expected, topic or nature of the meeting and requested equipment. An individual must complete an application and certify understanding of MLD’s policies and regulations in order to reserve a meeting space.

Reservations that do not show up within 15 minutes of the scheduled start time may be considered forfeited. Reservation costs must be paid for in advance.

Setup and takedown times are included in the total reservation duration.

Cancellations with less than 24 hours notice are non-refundable. MLD does not issue partial refunds for unused time if a room use is ended earlier than the duration of the reservation.


The first hour of meeting room fees are waived. Rates for each additional hour (billed in 15 minute increments):

Meeting RoomsRate per hour (first hour free)
Cherry Lane Branch 
Large Conference Room$30.00
Small Conference$15.00
Study Room/Privacy PodFree (maximum of three hours per day)
unBound Branch 
MEET - Formal Meeting Room$15.00
RECORD - Sound Studio$15.00
SHARE - Informal Meeting Space*                   Free (maximum of four hours per day)
Orchard Park Branch 
Conference Room$25.00
Study Room/Privacy PodFree (maximum of three hours per day)
Sensory RoomFree (maximum of thirty minutes per day)
Pinnacle Meeting Rooms 
Meeting Room A+B$30.00
Meeting Room A$15.00
Meeting Room B$15.00
Study Room/Privacy PodFree (maximum of three hours per day)



Fees are paid at the time of registration, prior to the time of service.


*When not reserved the space can be used on a first-come basis.


Sales Tax

Idaho sales tax of 6% is included in the pricing above. A receipt will be provided, upon request, at the point of sale to show the total tax paid.

No Public Funds for Abortion Act. As mandated by Idaho law, meeting rooms will not be rented to an abortion provider or an affiliate of an abortion provider as those terms are defined in the “No Public Funds for Abortion Act,” Idaho Code §§ 18-8701 et seq.

Adopted by the Meridian Library District Board of Trustees October 9, 2013

Revised September 18, 2024

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