Public Comment Policy

Last Updated Date
Policy Type

The Meridian Library District Board of Trustees operates under the Idaho Code Open Meeting Law (Idaho Code §§ 74-201 through 74-208). Comments may be submitted via written testimony prior to the meeting, via oral presentation in person during the board meeting in the public comment portion, or both. The Board will be pleased to take comments under advisement, although it will not respond during the public comment portion of the meeting. The Board is committed to conducting its meetings in a civil, orderly, efficient, and productive manner. 


The purpose of this policy is to establish standards to ensure a consistent, structured opportunity for interested individuals to address the Board of Trustees on library-related matters or matters over which it has responsibility and authority. Only topics included on the published agenda can be addressed by trustees, trustees are not allowed under Idaho law to respond to comments regarding items not on the published agenda therefore trustees will not engage in dialogue with public commenters.

Members of the public may submit their comments in writing at any time via regular mail or website form 24 hours prior to the meeting.

Regular Mail: 

Public Comments
c/o Meridian Library District Board of Trustees
PO Box 940
Meridian, ID 83680

Website Form: 

Public Comment Form located on


When addressing the Board, please follow these guidelines:

  • Public comment at Board meetings is limited to the public comment portions of the meeting as indicated in the published agenda.
  • A sign-in sheet will be available for audience members to let the Board know they wish to participate in the public comment period. The sheet will request the commenter’s name and any group affiliation of the person wishing to make public comment. Anyone refusing to identify themselves will not be permitted to speak.
  • Groups wishing to comment must select one representative to present the group’s view.
  • The speaker may address only library-related topics at regular and special meetings; only budget-related topics at budget hearings. Comments must be addressed directly to the Board and not to the audience.
  • Comments should be brief and to the point. Repetitive comments or language that is considered offensive, harassing, or profane will not be tolerated.
  • A time limit of three (3) minutes is allowed for each speaker. The Board Chair will invite individuals to speak. Time cannot be ceded to another speaker for the purpose of giving them more than their allotted time.
  • A person may speak one time during the meeting.
  • In cases of disagreement, the speaker must use grace and tact.
  • Persons addressing the Board are expected to observe a level of civility and decorum appropriate for a public meeting.
  • Comments will be directed to the Board as a whole, not to individual trustees. Comments will be relevant to library matters, excluding personnel issues.
  • No personal attacks or disruptions from audience members will be tolerated. Respectful and courteous behavior and language is expected of all participants. The Library Code of Conduct Policy applies to behavior in Board of Trustees meetings.
  • In the event that the Board deems the conduct of a speaker to be disruptive or disrespectful, the Board Chair may call the session to an end. Any person(s) judged by the Board and/or Board Chair to be causing undue disruption, or who does not follow the guidelines established by the Board, will be asked to leave the meeting. Refusal to leave the meeting may result in removal by local authorities or library administration. At the discretion of the Board Chair, these guidelines may be modified at a meeting.
  • Additional agenda items will not be added after public comment, and there is no guarantee that suggestions brought forth by the public during the public comment portion will be addressed by the Board at a future meeting. The Board may refer any matter of public comment to the Library Director, library staff, or the appropriate agency for review.
  • All comments made become part of the meeting record and Board minutes will reflect the names of any speakers and the substance of any comments. Any materials presented to the Board will be included in the Library’s files rather than the meeting minutes. 

Adopted by the Meridian Library Board of Trustees 10/18/2023

Reviewed and Revised 09/18/2024

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