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Displays and Exhibits Policy

Last Updated Date


It is the policy of the Meridian Library District (MLD) to create displays and exhibits, and to make space available to the community for purposes that enhance MLD’s educational, cultural, and civic mission. Staff create displays and exhibits to highlight MLD’s collection and inform the public on a range of topics. MLD's public exhibit areas are curated by library staff. Individuals or groups who wish to exhibit items may apply to the library to have their materials displayed. Applications are reviewed on a first come, first serve basis.

A. Public Exhibits and Displays

Public exhibits are given priority in scheduling the use of the exhibit areas. The exhibit areas are available free of charge for individuals or organizations engaged in educational, cultural, recreational, or intellectual activities. They are not available for money-raising or commercial purposes, with the exception of fundraisers held by the Meridian Library Foundation or Friends of the Meridian Library District.

1. Subject/Content

Exhibits are for information about civic, cultural, educational, and recreational programs of likely interest to the local community. Displays may include such forms as:

  • Presentation of books, visual arts, crafts, paintings, and drawings, sculpture, and a variety of media.
  • Promotion of interest in the use of books and other library resources.
  • Information about community affairs, organizations, services, and activities.

Civic groups, service clubs, nonprofit organizations, and governmental units promoting free or nominal charge events are typical sponsors of these activities. No political candidate or proposition materials, commercial promotions or private events, such as yard sales, and “services provided,” are eligible for display.

2. How to Apply

The Display Request Form is to be submitted via email, in person, or mail.

3. Display Period

Displays will generally be scheduled for two to four weeks. Recurring displays by the same group or individual will be discouraged. Library Director, or designee, approval is required for displays lasting more than one month.

4. Installation

The displaying individual or group will be responsible for the items on display. The cases are locked, but the wall display areas are not. MLD insurance will not cover displayed items. Individuals or groups using the display areas must fill out the Display Request Form, which includes an acknowledgment that the requester, not the library, is responsible for the collection. Only the signer/signers of the form will be allowed to add or remove items from the display.

5. Exceptions

Flyers for community bulletin boards are subject to curation, but do not require an application. MLD reserves the right to refuse or revoke permission to use any display area. Permission to use display areas does not constitute an endorsement by the library of the group's policies or beliefs. This statement of policy may be amended at any time by the Board of Trustees of the Meridian Library District.

B. Display of Library Materials

Library displays are planned, organized, and implemented by MLD staff. Staff use the following criteria in making decisions about display topics, materials, and accompanying resources:

  • Community needs and interest
  • Availability of display space
  • Historical or educational significance
  • Connection to community or national programs, exhibitions, events, or designated weeks or months of celebration
  • Relation to library collections, resources, exhibits, and programs

In addition, MLD draws upon other community resources in developing displays and exhibits. Staff may partner with other community agencies, organizations, educational institutions, or individuals to develop and present co-sponsored displays and exhibits.

MLD will strive to include a wide spectrum of opinions and viewpoints in MLD-initiated displays and exhibits, as well as offer displays and exhibits that appeal to a range of ages, interests, and information needs. MLD-initiated displays and exhibits should not exclude topics, books, media, and other resources solely because they may be considered controversial.

Acceptance of a display or exhibit topic by the MLD does not constitute an endorsement by Meridian Library District of the content of the display or exhibit, or of the views expressed in materials on display. Staff accept suggestions for display topics, but topics and material selection is at the discretion of the MLD staff, and ultimately, the Library Director, or designee, who retains sole discretion to remove or shorten the timeframe of display for any item.

Displays will be located on designated shelves and digital displays throughout MLD locations, and on the website. Displays will rotate on a schedule defined by MLD and location managers.

Adopted by the Meridian Library District Board of Trustees October 9, 2013

Revision March 20, 2024

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