Meridian Library District Centennial

Meridian Library District centennial logo with pictures of Figaro, the library cat.

Meridian Library District Centennial

Make history by celebrating the Meridian Library District Centennial in 2024!

Throughout the year, we will have events, programs and social media posts celebrating our Centennial! Keep up with the latest MLD news to celebrate, and help make, MLD history!

Meridian Library District Timeline

July 17, 1924 — The Occident Club Library Committee formed

September 10, 1924 — The Occident Club opened the first library at Songer Pharmacy

August 27, 1974 — Meridian citizens voted to create the Meridian Free Library District

May 16, 1997 — The Cherry Lane location opened

January 2004 — The Bookmobile made its first stop

March 27, 2009 — The Silverstone location opened

October 2015 — The first unBound location opened

April 19, 2021 — The second unBound location opened

May 1, 2023 — The Orchard Park location opened

Fall 2024 (Expected) — Meridian Library at Pinnacle is expected to open

Upcoming Events

CLOSED Labor Day

All Day
Some Branches
Cherry Lane, Orchard Park, Silverstone, unBound, Community, Tiny Library, Digital

CLOSED Thanksgiving

All Day 11/28 - 11/29
Some Branches
Cherry Lane, Orchard Park, Silverstone, unBound, Community, Tiny Library, Digital

CLOSED Christmas

All Day 12/24 - 12/25
Some Branches
Cherry Lane, Orchard Park, Silverstone, unBound, Community, Tiny Library, Digital

CLOSED Memorial Day

All Day
Some Branches
Cherry Lane, Orchard Park, Silverstone, unBound, Community, Tiny Library, Digital

Meridian Library Heritage Cake

A cake with frosting that notes the year the library was founded, 1924.

Figaro the Library Cat at a Book Sale

Figaro, the library cat, at a book sale.

National Library Week 1984

An image depicting Mary Alice White, a former Occident Club president, reading to children.

MLD Centennial in the News