Branch Updates

The Silverstone branch is now permanently closed. Please join us in celebrating the grand opening of the Pinnacle branch (located at the corner of Locust Grove and Lake Hazel roads in South Meridian) on September 30, 2024! 

Naming Opportunities Policy

Last Updated Date

It is the policy of Meridian Library District (MLD) from time to time to recognize the generosity of an individual(s) and/or corporation(s), foundation and/or other donor(s) by choosing to create a specific naming designation for a collection, facility or portion of a facility.

The Meridian Library District Board of Trustees (Library Board) has the sole right to name or rename collections or facilities. The Library Director may recommend naming opportunities to the Library Board for consideration. The Library Board recognizes that naming a collection, facility, or portion of a facility is a decision of immense importance; therefore, making these decisions is undertaken with an appreciation for that significance. 

While the Library Board is grateful for and encourages donations from all individuals, businesses and organizations, the Library Board has the right to decline any gift to MLD and/or reject naming/sponsorship proposals.

  1. The Library Board may name or rename library interior/exterior spaces such as meeting rooms, reading  lounges, study rooms, special use areas, equipment, green spaces, walkways, patios, etc. Appropriate  contributions for such naming opportunities will be at the discretion of the Library Board. The Library Board may create a campaign using a fundraising leg to solicit donors, such as the Meridian Library Foundation.
  2. The Library Board has final approval of naming of rooms from contributions received through fundraising campaigns facilitated by a fundraising leg, such as the Meridian Library Foundation.
  3. The Library Board reserves the right to terminate or alter a naming designation under unusual or extraordinary circumstances.
  4. If a distinctively named library facility is relocated, substantially remodeled, or converted to use other than its original use, the facility may be renamed to reflect the association of new donors or community interests related to the changing facility. In such instances, the original name shall be honored in an appropriate manner.

Adopted by the Meridian Library District Board of Trustees on 5/18/2022

Revised 02/21/2024

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