unBound Delayed Opening

Due to local construction, Meridian Library District's unBound branch will open at 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday, May 1, 2024.  No other locations' hours will be impacted.

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Code of Conduct

Last Updated Date
Policy Type


In an effort to provide a comfortable and safe environment for all Library patrons, staff, and volunteers, and to protect Library property, the Board of Trustees of Meridian Library District (MLD) has established a Library Code of Conduct. The Policy is designed to provide clear and reasonable guidelines governing acceptable behavior within the branches, on the premises, and on its various online platforms. 

The safety of our patrons and staff is our number one priority. MLD takes many precautions to help prevent exposure to or infection from disease, but cannot guarantee this. Anyone not following established safety policies and protocols surrounding infectious and communicable disease may be asked to leave the facility.

Users of MLD facilities and platforms are expected to adhere to existing copyright, patent, trademark or other existing intellectual property laws when using MLD equipment or wireless internet.


Unacceptable behavior is defined as any conduct that is (a) a disruption to the orderly and efficient administration of the MLD’s business; (b) a disruption to others using MLD's facilities or platforms; (c) a threat to the security of the MLD’s property; or (d) a danger to any  person. 

Unacceptable behavior includes, but is not limited to:

  1. Any activity in violation of federal or state law. Being under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs. Possession or consumption of alcohol on MLD grounds unless for a special event or promotion that is approved in advance by the Director.
  2. Defacing or otherwise damaging library property, including hacking technology or disrupting virtual services.
  3. Eating except in designated areas; drinks except those in covered containers. 
  4. Verbally or physically threatening or harassing staff, other visitors, or volunteers, including stalking, staring, touching, or using lewd or offensive language. Threatening gestures or unwanted physical contact or lewd behavior. Running, pushing, shoving, or throwing objects. 
  5. Disobeying the reasonable direction of a MLD staff member. 
  6. Not following protocols developed to prevent the spread of infectious diseases, including refusal to wear a face mask when required. Masks must be worn properly covering the nose and mouth when instructed to do so by MLD leadership and when inside any library facility. Staff may remove their mask if they are alone in an office and the door is closed. 
  7. Making ongoing loud noise that is disruptive to others. 
  8. Using recreational wheeled devices such as skateboards or scooters.
  9. Entering the MLD facilities barefooted, without a shirt, or with offensive body odor or personal hygiene. 
  10. Bringing pets or animals, other than legally defined service animals, into the library, except as part of an authorized MLD program. 
  11. The possession of a firearm or deadly weapon (as defined by Idaho Code) on MLD property is prohibited unless expressly permitted by law.


The Meridian Library District has a compelling interest to ensure uninterrupted public access to all of the resources of our branches for our patrons. Therefore, any persons who desire to engage in petitioning, leafleting, soliciting, or conducting of surveys (collectively “petitioning”) on MLD property should first discuss with the on-site branch manager or their designee in order to receive site-specific directions on any applicable time, location, and related rules for that activity. No petitioning is permitted inside any MLD branch. Please note that panhandling and selling of goods or services are prohibited anywhere on MLD property. Meridian Library District, Friends of the Meridian Library, and Meridian Library Foundation are exempt from the above policy for purposes benefiting MLD.


MLD staff will intervene to stop prohibited activities and behaviors and will involve law enforcement as appropriate. Anyone who violates any of these guidelines will be promptly notified of the infraction and will be given notice of this policy. A violation may result in the following actions: verbal warning, restorative justice proceedings, expulsion from MLD facilities, suspension of library privileges, criminal prosecution or other legal action, as appropriate. When used, restorative justice procedures may include group conferencing, one on one meetings, and/or developing patron behavior plans. The consequences of MLD policy infractions vary. The length of a suspension depends on the severity of the incident and is at the discretion of the Library Director or their designee.


The Board of Trustees of the Meridian Library District delegates to the Director or designee the authority to enforce the Code of Conduct, including the authority to suspend library privileges of individuals who violate the policy. Authorized MLD staff members shall follow the procedures set out to enforce MLD’s use rules in a fair and reasonable manner. Authorized MLD staff members include administrators, managers, supervisors, or staff members designated by a supervisor to intervene with patrons to secure compliance with library use rules. Such revocation shall be in writing and shall be effective upon receipt of the suspension letter or upon the letter being sent to the patron’s physical or email address on file with the Library. A patron whose privilege(s) has been limited or revoked may appeal the limitation or revocation of the privilege(s) by filing a written appeal with the Director, or designee, within ten (10) days from the date of the issuance of the written revocation.

Patrons have the right to request a Board review of any suspension that exceeds thirty days as outlined in the suspension notice.

The Board of Trustees decision is final. Repeated offenses by a minor will result in notification of the parent/guardian.

The Library Director or their designee reserves the right to require a meeting with the patron whose privileges have been limited or revoked to review this Code of Conduct Policy before their privileges may be reinstated.

Adopted by the Board of Trustees June 11, 2013

Revised and Board Approved on September 19, 2022

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